Donald Trump
gives a subdued victory speech last night with his
some members
of his family at his side.
(Photo courtesy
of Damon Winter/The New York Times)
(Wednesday May 4, 2016,
NYC) As late as last week political
journalists, commentators, analysts and pundits were leveling increasingly
bizarre theories in lame attempts to describe, if not understand, the rise of
Donald J. Trump. One hack scribe went as
far as to write that perhaps trump was suffering from “dementia”, some variant
of a “personality disorder”, or perhaps some more malignant form of a neurological
cognitive pathology. Since fully
immersing himself into the political foray ten months ago, Trump has not only
defied the odds, to say the least, and, according to the GOP “Establishment”
and modern methods of politicking, been able to do what was unthinkable last
June. He vanquished a field of 16 other
candidates several of whom had a whiff of presumptiveness almost as strong as
that which emanates from Hillary Clinton minus the unmitigated Hillary
arrogance and hubris.
Last night after a pummeling
victory over the “least popular man in Congress”, Ted Cruz, the last of Trump’s
semi-viable rivals, Cruz bowed out as Trump has all but secured the nomination
of the Republican Party. The afterthought
self-styled crusader for the common man Ohio Governor John Kasich will “suspend
his campaign” later today. Like it or not, Trump will arrive at the GOP National
Convention in Cleveland with an overwhelming majority of delegates. There remains in Republican circles an
idiotic amount of chatter regarding the “possible” ways the Party can block
Trump with some prognosticators and operatives still intent on a coupe d’état that would allow them to
wrest the nomination from Trump while installing their own hand-picked standard
bearer. Obviously their arrogance and
myopia regarding the political climate and the reality of life for a majority
of Americans is boundless. The harder
they have pushed and continue to do so, the harder the electorate has pushed
back. With millions of voters, some of
whom have never before engaged in the electoral process, feeling that finally
someone is running for Office that, “understands” and “speaks their language”,
to behind the scenes GOP political hacks ought to take heed of what Trump’s
ascendance has said and continues to say about their collective mood.
While typically not in
agreement with the New York Times Editorial Board, in their opinion
printed in today’s issue they do offer an accurate, concise, and honest reckoning
of just how the corrupt, callously indifferent, ineffectual, do-nothing
Congress and the GOP as a Party has given birth to their Party’s presumptive
“Republican leaders have for years failed to think about much of
anything beyond winning the next election. Year after year, the party’s
candidates promised help for middle-class people who lost their homes, jobs and
savings to recession, who lost limbs and well-being to war, and then did next
to nothing. That Mr. Trump was able to enthrall voters by promising simply to
“Make America Great Again” — but offering only xenophobic, isolationist or
fantastical ideas — is testimony to how thoroughly they reject the politicians
who betrayed them.”
For all the outrage regarding
the “crude”, “guttural” language as some politicos have classified Trump’s
language while out on the stump, he is not saying very many comments and
observations that have been bantered about on both sides of the political
divide in Washington, DC for decades.
Yes, his terminology and turning of a phrase may sound inelegant to the
hyper-inflated egos in that town of double-speak and high-minded bullshit, yet
over 6.3 million primary voters could not have cared less. Actually, Trump’s verbal inelegance in and of
itself found a mass appeal that helped propel his campaign.
Professional career
politicians secure in their incumbency for years have spoken down to the
American people using a wider vocabulary, much disingenuous “code words”, and “dog-whistle
phraseology” while expressing many ideas that Trump has taken on in their more
polished, poll tested, advisor written speeches. Some of the vilest sentiments have been
spewed in the well of the Senate and the floor of the House but, as long as it
was done so using the excepted politicalese common to those once respectable
chambers, it was appropriately respectable.
Some of the most egregious examples of white-washing repugnant ideology
and crass partisanship, “playing to the base”, and generally showing their
contempt for compromise, have been smugly spoken by long time members of
Congress and no one, certainly not the Washington media, has batted a critical
eye let alone offered condemnation.
It has been very interesting
to listen to and read various opinion pieces and commentary proffered by a wide
range of the mainstream media “elites” as they offer mea culpas and all manner of atonement, confession, and
self-castigation some of which comes just short of donning a hair suit. They blame themselves for the rise of Trump, for
their failure to “ask the questions that should have been asked” throughout the
bruising primary process and with newfound fortitude have vowed to practice “real
journalism. The irony inherent in this navel
gazing pseudo-self-analysis is astounding.
These are, after all, the very same characters who bought the ocean of
Cheney/Bush deceptions and outright blatant lies in the prelude to invading
Iraq. There has never in our history
been a greater failure of the media writ large than that perpetrated as they
became willing partners in a travesty of foreign policy and historically practiced
American military doctrine as they eagerly promoted a “war of choice” the likes
of which our Nation has never instigated.
The media forfeited whatever remnants of trust that Americans still held
for them. It is that years long series
of sinful warmongering that they should be guilt-ridden over and tirelessly examining
how they were in fact culpable in the Cheney/Bush fiasco the reverberations of
which roil much of the world to this day..
But Trump is, after all, a much easier target.
What remains to be seen is how
that very same main stream media will cover the general election campaign of Hillary
Clinton. One would be hard pressed to
find another high ranking public figure in modern political history that has
been more coddled, handled as generously gently, and outright protected as the
former First Lady. In some quarters it
is viewed as a mortal sin to criticize Hillary’s record although it is ripe
with dishonest dealings, suspect financial maneuvering, gross negligence while
serving as Secretary of State, and her improper use of a private server for
classified correspondence in that Office.
Her list of sins of commission, omission, and high and mighty self-aggrandizement
is as lengthy as are her many contempt’s she demonstrated with our Military,
the Secret Service that has protected her for the last 25 years, staffers and
the American people. Yes, let’s watch
and wait. If the media is legitimately
inclined to re-establish some journalistic standards of objectivity and due
diligence, that time has come.
Let the games begin.
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